Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Putting it out to the Universe

2010 has been an adventure.  Thankfully NOT in the way 2009 was an adventure.  Albeit 2009 was a necessary adventure to get me to where I am now, I'm thrilled to be finally emotionally balanced and not embarrasing myself by taking trapeze classes or wandering the world  to find myself or buying every shoe invented by mankind to make myself feel beter (they were all fun in their own way, but really? Am I ever going to strut around in 6" black patent Louboutins anytime soon?)

And so came 2010.  I started to breathe a little easier and think about the nasty "D" word I had to deal with during 2009.

The highlight thus far for sure was my NOLS Leadership course in the Yukon.  During that amazing experience, I had a chance to finally sit back and reflect on some of what I want in life.  Or at least, some of what I hope to experience.  I called it my "wish list" (bucket list is for old people and cheezy Jack Nicholson movies).  I wrote a few things and "put it out to the universe".  I'm not religious and I wouldn't even call myself spiritual.  My mom raised us with a deeply ingrained philosophy of "if it's meant to be, it'll be" and so I stand by that. 

Well, it seems like at least one of the things just might be meant to be.  I don't want to jinx anything quite yet, but one of those things is almost sure to happen.  I should know for sure next week :)  More details then!

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