Thursday, January 19, 2012

When the transit system is called “vag” the possibilities are endless…

A van with instructions to "service vag"

Nurnberg has a reasonably good transportation system. There are trams, subways and buses to zip you all around the city. The system is called VAG. I didn’t think anything about it until a friend said it out loud. Like all good things, I like to have fun with it. My dearest friend B and I would exchange texts whenever one of us was on the vag. Highlights include:

“there’s a crazy man riding the vag today”

“the vag is hot and sweaty today”

“the vag is difficult to operate”

As you can imagine, the possibilities are really endless. I really think they should hire me to help them with their ad campaigns. For instance, for the nightliner bus, I might use “no matter how much you’ve had to drink, the vag goes all night long” or “after your night at the bar, ride in the comfort of the vag”.

Obviously English speakers find the double meaning hilarious, but what’s unintentionally hysterical is that ‘v’ in german is actually pronounced like ‘f’ which means it’s pronounced “fag” in German and opens up a whole new realm of possibilities!

The vag website ( even has a merchandise shop available where they have a t-shirt that with a print that says “Ich Liebe Vag” (I love vag) unfortunately, they only have children’s sizes.

The best part is now, that I’ve shared my vag jokes and stories, more friends are getting into it! Just the other day, one of my girlfriends took a photo of a “vag service” van with a guy smoking. (Once you service the vag, you need a cigarette) It adds humor to an otherwise grey and dull day where humour is low. So thank you B & C (you can arm wrestle in Portland as to who came up with “vag” first) for introducing me to the vag. I promise, I’ll make you proud and keep the vag flame burning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you Vag is flaming or burning there might be a problem and you will need to call the aforementioned Vag Service man. Pls kindly have a cigarette ready for him once the flames of your Vag have been snuffed. - B